Nurturing Growth And Play

Our Approach and Programme

kids are honoured. Children’s imaginations and curiosities are stimulated by play and exploration, they enjoy learning and are motivated to learn more.

The Early Years Learning Framework serves as the blueprint for the development of our programme. We take a comprehensive approach to programming that is based on emergent curricula, culturally and developmentally suitable practices, and ideas on how children learn. Children will engage in a variety of activities throughout the day that are both teacher- and child-selected.

Play is the foundation for education for young children. Children utilise play as a tool to convert their external experiences into internal meaning. The play explains ideas,encourages social growth and produces joyous and satisfying moments. Children can explore, research, create, fantasise, solve problems, and make decisions while they play.

We place a high priority on the close bonds that exist between our staff, kids, and families, and we are eager to welcome your family into the daily routine of our centre andour particular interests. In addition to the top-notch, well-rounded programmes we provide, all Lane Cove preschool centres are urged to pursue a particular passion.Our area of expertise is outdoor recreation.

Children have more learning opportunities because of our outdoor playground and the surrounding bushland, and they are also encouraged to form positive, caring attitudes towards the environment.Children are drawn by vigorous outdoor play, in our opinion at Lane Cove preschool. Children benefit greatly from outdoor play, which increases their immunity, physical activity, stress tolerance, and behavioural controlissues boosted self-esteem, enhanced motor skills, and enhanced communication and teamwork abilities.

Early Learning & Childcare Centre

Our daycare lane cove Centre can be found in a peaceful residential neighbourhood. The sun-safe, allergy-aware Montessori kindergarten and early learning institution for children aged six weeks to six years also provide wholesome catered meals, as well as secure dropping-off and pick-up parking.

Our daycare Lane Cove Centre offers three roomy Montessori classrooms for kids of all ages and preschoolers. It has a modern single-story design. For the best learning environment, each classroom is stocked with distinctive educational resources that speak to the interests and requirements of kids at every stage of development. Two engaging outdoor play areas are located outside of the classroom and are enhanced with a variety of gross motor activities to encourage learning through exploration. Gardens, a sandpit, climb structures, a mud kitchen, soft areas, a slide, a teepee, water play, and lots of space to crawl, walk, and run are all included in the outdoor areas for children ages 0 to two.

The staff at daycare Lane Cove is made up of enthusiastic Montessori teachers who tailor the curriculum to the needs of each student. They pay attention to children’s interests, guide them towards activities appropriate for their developmental stage, and foster an environment that is conducive to learning and encourages kids to learnoutcomes on their own schedule.To meet our staff and discover more about the advantages of a Montessori education, schedule a tour right away. Visit here for more details